The UNESCO Global Geopark Muskauer Faltenbogen / Łuk Mużakowa / Muskau Arch is a member of:

At the international level, the Global Geoparks Network (GGN, About – Global Geoparks Network) represents the interests of its members. The GGN is an international association established under French law, with its headquarters in Digne les Bains (Fr).
Furthermore, there are so-called regional networks. These include the
- European Geoparks Network (EGN, European Geoparks Network)
- Asia Pacific Geoparks Network (APGN, Asia Pacific Geoparks Network – A Network of Asia Pacific Global Geoparks)
- Latin America and Caribbean Geoparks Network (GEOLAC)
- African UNESOC Global Geoparks Network (AUGGN, AUGGN | Global Geopark Network | UNESCO (
They bring the activities of members together on a continental level. All regional networks work closely with the GGN.
Additionally, UNESCO Global Geoparks are organized on the national level. In Germany, there are currently eight UNESCO Global Geoparks that have joined the so-called National Forum (Mission Statement). In Poland, there are two.
There are also several parks in both Germany and Poland that have been awarded the title of National Geopark. Their definition as geoparks is based on the international definition, and they pursue similar goals to UNESCO Geoparks. However, they largely lack the orientation towards international networking activities.